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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,

  In order to celebrate mothers day my mother and I decided to jiaozuo border region a attractions - yuntai mountain. We went all the way along the roadside flowers like in smiled at me, The tree is w**ed to me. Even the rain also infected by us more huan... So soon in yuntai mountain.
  In yuntai mountain is our first visit scenic spots dogwood peak, heard that the tang dynasty poet Wang Weiceng left there a few words of legend: alone in a foreign land here, every festive holiday times. Remote know brothers climb, dogwood is less one times. After listening, we is climbing. Although the process of mountaineering. However, my mother and I are convinced that: learning, too, if you dont always make progress, is inferior to others will be the next big already, also is one step behind, step by step.
  Next, we ride in front. The bottom, came to redstone gorge scenic area. All of a sudden, a tour guide, pointing to a big stone said: this is the double stone, with his left hand to touch it desires of the heart is the rig, today I played very happy, you happy?


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