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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,,

Tomorrow is mothers day. I want to give my mother a surprise.
I thouge to give my mother a few dishes and rice porridge. When my mother woke up, he said, good smell, who is cooking today? Its so fragrant. Happy mother mothers day, Mama laughed and said, my daug, is it hard to eat my food, mom, you dont cry, Im sorry, mother said, its delicious, mom is moving, happy crying. I put my heart down and ate it. I just threw it out of my mouth and said, this is what people eat. Some are too sweet, some too salty, mother said, this dish is the most delicious meal I h**e ever eaten in my life. I held my mother and said, Mom, no matter what happened, I still love you.
Mothers embrace is our harbor of refuge. There is a mothers place to h**e a family. I wish all mothers in the world happy holidays!


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